
Sambodhi > Evaluation > Monitoring and Evaluation Bootcamp – Telling the Impact Story

Monitoring and Evaluation Bootcamp – Telling the Impact Story



Date & Time

February 2, 2023 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM

The development paradigm is undergoing a fundamental shift in the world of poly-crisis. As we move past the Covid-19 black swan, development practice is transitioning to a new normal. Almost all strategic decisions are influenced by innovation, technology, and scale, and identity, equity, and inclusion have emerged as central values guiding human development efforts. The importance of data in decision-making has grown as we strive for greater effectiveness, results, transparency, and accountability.

M&E has evolved in tandem with the shifting latitudes to meet the emerging needs of programmers, policymakers, investors, and other key stakeholders. New perspectives, methods, and tools are increasingly finding a home in tracking and measuring progress and impact. As a result, a shared understanding and appreciation of the new vocabulary are required to deploy the most appropriate approaches, methods, and tools in a given development context.

To familiarize the community of practice with the new directions in measuring impacts, Sambodhi is organizing an M&E Bootcamp.