
Cross-cutting areas

Sambodhi > Practice Area > Cross-cutting areas

There is growing body of evidence which underlines how men, women and children and various smaller subsets, such as people with disabilities and/or ethnic minorities are vulnerable to conflicts, disasters and other man-made stresses, as well as how they mobilize different capacities to build their resilience. Ensuring every group’s equal participation in governance processes, and their equal benefits from services, are preconditions for the achievement of inclusive and effective governance.

Adopting a differential lens helps to achieve a better understanding of the different experiences among different groups of people and also between individuals within those groups according to their age, ethnic origins or sexual orientation. We believe in focusing on project design through to implementation and then monitoring and evaluation while remaining sensitive to these aspects. This helps us explore and explain the influence that dynamics and social power relations have on project implementation and impacts.

Impact evaluation of Partnership for Women’s Empowerment & Rights (PoWER)

The project aims at creating pilot-level intervention models that integrate water, sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition with agriculture development.

Considering the objectives of the study, Sambodhi adopted a mixed-methods approach using a quasi-experimental design. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected to address the research questions. The quantitative study aimed at estimating the change using Difference-in-difference technique after matching them using socio-demographic indicators using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method.

Baseline, Midline and Endline Assessment of Poorest Areas Civil Society (PACS) 

Poorest Areas Civil Society (PACS) Programme is a flagship initiative of the Department for International Development (DFID), partnering with civil society in India to promote women’s and socially excluded populations’ access to rights and entitlements.


End of Project Evaluation, Best Practice and Project Development for the Women Leadership and Political Participation, For UN Women Tanzania Country Office

Sambodhi evaluated the project’s performance in terms of relevance of results, sustainability, shared responsibility and accountability, appropriateness of design, methodology, partnerships, resource allocation, and informed and timely action. We also identified best practices and lessons learned and provided recommendations to guide UNWOMEN future programming.

Review The Hunger Project (THP) programme in Bihar from 2011-2015

Sambodhi assessed and quantified the impact of The Hunger Project (THP) intervention on poverty alleviation and hunger mitigation.

Sambodhi conducted 250 in-depth interviews with elected women representatives (EWRs) and partner organizations for this purpose.


Evaluation of the Empowering Young Girls and Women Project in Maharashtra

Sambodhi assessed the program’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. To evaluate the project, Sambodhi used a combination of quantitative and quantitative methods. A combination of the difference in difference method and propensity score matching was used for analysing quantitative data.

Baseline, Mid Term and Final Evaluation of the UN Women supported programme titled “Gender responsive governance leading to better outcomes for women based on improved access to their rights and entitlements”

Sambodhi evaluated the impact of the program via baseline, midline, and final evaluation over three years.

The sample size for the quantitative component of the study was 1800 households spread across six states. The qualitative component captured information from 202, 201, and 206 households for the baseline, midline, and endline studies, respectively.