
Clean energy and climate

Sambodhi > Practice Area > Clean energy and climate

Addressing and adapting to climate change while transitioning to clean energy remain top priorities for communities and governments globally.

We have a dedicated team of experienced professionals with in-depth sectoral knowledge to analyze risks and vulnerabilities and the underlying variables to better inform policy recommendations. We believe in co-creating solutions to improve clean energy access and energy efficiency.

Evaluation for Smart Power for Rural Development

Sambodhi conducts periodic progress monitoring and assessment of The Rockefeller Foundation’s biggest energy program in India, Smart Power for Rural Development (SPRD). As part of the ongoing M&E support to SPRD, Sambodhi conducted an Impact Evaluation study in 2016, in which we applied a two-pronged assessment framework consisting of an evaluation arm.

Reducing Roof-top Solar Power Supply Cost using Digital Technology

Sambodhi has partnered with the Asian Development Bank to evaluate the productivity and efficiency of an off-grid energy solution for the underserved electricity consumers, especially the females, in rural India.

Baseline Energy Access Survey in India

Sambodhi worked with the World Bank to conduct a baseline survey on multi-tier energy access in the four Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh.

Creating a Shared Framework and Roadmap for Adoption of  Clean Cooking in India

Initiated by TATA Trusts, this learning program is primarily an action research that partners with key implementers in the clean cooking sector, viz, TERI, Dharma Life, SEWA, and SG Foundations and research think-tanks like Sambodhi.

Evaluation of Rural Electrification Project in Jharkhand

Rural Electrification Project(REP) is an initiative by the MELINDA Foundation to promote sustainable business models delivering renewable electricity to rural households and enterprises through the installation of solar mini-grids and selling the energy for domestic and productive uses.ERP is currently active in 8 villages of the Indian state of Jharkhand.