Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are essential processes in project management, particularly within development projects. The importance of monitoring and evaluation in projects cannot be overstated; M&E provides a structured approach to collecting and analyzing data to guide decision-making and improve project outcomes.
Monitoring involves the continuous assessment of project implementation, allowing managers to track progress and make necessary adjustments in real time. Evaluation, on the other hand, is typically periodic and focuses on assessing the overall effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of a project.
Various tools for monitoring and evaluation in development exist such as logic models, surveys and questionnaires, and participatory methods, each serving different purposes. Additionally, data management systems and software such as MS Project and specialized M&E platforms like DevResults can streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting.
Monitoring and evaluation frameworks like the Logical Framework Approach (Logframe) and the Theory of Change outline the key components, such as indicators, data sources, and timelines, ensuring consistency and clarity throughout the project lifecycle. While monitoring and evaluation methodologies vary widely, selecting the right methodology, such as a qualitative or quantitative approach, depends on the project’s context, objectives, and available resources.
List of recommended resources #
For a broad overview
Core concepts in developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks
This brief guide, developed by Anne Markiewicz and Associates, defines the core concepts of monitoring and evaluation. It further defines the functions and principles of monitoring and evaluation, the stakeholders, and various other parameters involved in M&E.
Monitoring and Evaluation : Some Tools, Methods, and Approaches
This report prepared by the World Bank provides an overview of some of the key elements of M&E including performance indicators, participatory methods, logical framework approach, impact evaluation etc.
For in depth understanding
Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks
This book by Anne Markiewicz and Ian Patrick provides step-by-step guidance on developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks in a logical, systematic, participatory and integrated manner. The authors also provide examples of good practice, drawing on their experience in developing M&E frameworks.
Monitoring and evaluating the health programme
This chapter by Ted Lankster in Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low and Middle Income Settings explores the meaning, benefits and purpose of monitoring and evaluation specifically in the health sector.
Case study
Building Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity in the Republic of Yemen
This note by the World Bank outlines key lessons learned from a project in Yemen, monitoring and evaluating poverty reduction strategy paper and reform programs. It illustrates the importance of having a strong M&E plan to approach an issue.
The Government Monitoring and Evaluation System in India: A Work in Progress
This paper by Santosh Mehrotra discusses the evolution of India’s approach to monitoring and evaluation of its government programs. The paper outlines a short history of the evaluation system in the Indian government structure as well as examines the new institutional arrangements of M&E.
References #