
Tracking Rural Sanitation Outcomes Through Use of Mobile Phones in Rajasthan

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Tracking Rural Sanitation Outcomes Through Use of Mobile Phones in Rajasthan

The Government of India and respective state governments monitor the implementation of the NBA and NGP through online monitoring systems. The system tracked the inputs, outputs and the outcomes achieved in terms of financial expenditure incurred, toilets constructed, and NGPs achieved. However, it does not track the long-term usage of toilets, quality of toilets constructed or sustainability of the sanitation achievements at Gram Panchayat level. The study sought to strengthen the gaps by using mobile to web technology. The assessment was taken up within the GPs that had achieved 100% NBA Project Objectives in the 31 districts of the state of Rajasthan. Within the selected GPs, the assessment covered three levels: households, schools and Anganwadi. The assessment used mobile phones and web technology and was useful in providing near real-time data.

As a part of the research assignment over 1351 gram Panchayats were covered across 31 districts in Rajasthan. The study entailed a citizen feedback survey of 24 households, 1 school and 1 Anganwadi Centre in each Gram Panchayats (total of 32,424 HHs, 1351 schools & 1351 anganwadi). During the course of the research work the following services provided: • Pilot testing of Survey Instruments, • Pilot testing of Survey Instruments, • Data Collection, • Preparation of training manuals, •Training of data enumerators, • Quality Assurance of data which included spot checks back checks and • Maintenance of MIS.