
Sambodhi > Global Health, Nutrition, and WASH > Sanitation Rating Framework for Government office buildings

Sanitation Rating Framework for Government office buildings

The project has been commissioned by Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs Project Management Unit. The objective of the assignment is to develop a measurable, sustainable and certifiable ratings framework incorporating the necessary tools to rate the government office buildings on their sanitation and cleanliness status. The rating builds on the existing Swachh office ratings and develops a more robust and comprehensive criterion for rating which includes indicators focusing on availability of water, level of cleanliness, and solid waste management. To test the relevance of the indicators, 20 selected government buildings will be surveyed and assessed based on the rating framework developed by Sambodhi. Sambodhi’s job involved helping Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs in design of the sanitation rating framework for the government building. Sambodhi has adopted a five-star ratings framework approach which assesses, and rates government buildings based on certain sanitation parameters. These parameters have been developed with expert consultation, available guidelines and standards and in-depth literature review. To test the relevance of the indicators and the framework as a whole, Sambodhi will also test the framework across 20 government office buildings in Delhi which are selected in consultation with the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs.