
Process Documentation and Evaluation of BCC Activities on Sanitation at Religious Gatherings (Kumbh Mela)

Process Documentation and Evaluation of BCC Activities on Sanitation at Religious Gatherings (Kumbh Mela)

Funded by BMGF, the BCC intervention on sanitation during Kumbh Mela in Haridwar and Ujjain included dissemination of BCC messages through audio and visuals as well as through sermons by religious leaders on sanitation awareness and toilet utilization. The two key objectives of the study: process documentation and evaluation of the BCC activities which were being carried out to develop recommendations about usage of safe and effective sanitation infrastructure and adopting hygienic sanitation practices for future mass gatherings. The process evaluation was carried out in two locations namely Haridwar and Ujjain to evaluate the process & document the effectiveness of BCC activities which would enable the Key stakeholders to develop recommendations for future sanitation activities. The project essentially focused on diffusion of mediated screenings and adoptions.

Sambodhi was assigned as Process documentation and Evaluation partner for the WASH BCC activities during Kumbh Mela. As part of the study the following activities were provided:
• Constructing a robust research design in order to effectively evaluate the impact of BCC outreach activities; spatial segmentation of catchment areas based on intensity and location of intervention
• Designing a statistically significant and representative sampling methodology for the study; a total sample of 2100 respondents were covered in both project and control arms for Haridwar and a similar number was covered for Ujjain
• On ground implementation of the process documentation and evaluation activity; Toilet Audits and in-depth interview with the government and mela officials were also conducted during the study
• Capturing treatment effects of the intervention using analytic tools and designs such as factor analysis, propensity score matching and regression models
• Conducting cost-effective analysis of the intervention
• Process documentation including qualitative analysis and video documentation/picture stories
• Providing feedback and constructive recommendations to the involved partners and stakeholders paving future action