
Observational survey of staff nurses to understand the factors contributing to the decision to refer a woman to another facility or keep her for delivery in Uttar Pradesh

Sambodhi > Global Health, Nutrition, and WASH > Observational survey of staff nurses to understand the factors contributing to the decision to refer a woman to another facility or keep her for delivery in Uttar Pradesh

Observational survey of staff nurses to understand the factors contributing to the decision to refer a woman to another facility or keep her for delivery in Uttar Pradesh

This project embedded teams of nurse enumerators in 250 private healthcare systems and community health centers throughout rural Uttar Pradesh for three days (150 facilities) and seven days (100 facilities), respectively. The project’s objective was to observe the presentation of women for delivery and the nurses’ subsequent decision to keep or refer them to another facility. 

Specific nurse behaviors were documented along with the manner in which the woman and her accompanying persons appeared (e.g., socioeconomic status, caste). From these interactions, Sambodhi and Surgo hope to understand underlying conscious or unconscious factors contributing to the decision to refer a woman to another facility or keep her for delivery.

Sambodhi provided the following services within the assignment – 

  • Recruitment, training, and supervision of nurse enumerators
  • Development of observation and interview tools with the client
  • Obtaining consent from the UP government 
  • Data quality monitoring and basic data analysis
  • Development of weekly and final reports