
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Support to Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME)

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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Support to Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME) 

With its Alliance Partners, GAME has targeted creating 10 million mass entrepreneurs, 50% of whom will be women, who, in turn, will create 50 million jobs by 2030. GAME aims to build a narrative around mass entrepreneurship and catalyze efforts to create a thriving environment resulting in large-scale job creation through:

  • inputs at the local ecosystem level and responsiveness to the needs of entrepreneurs (market & credit linkages, peer networks, mentorship, etc.),
  • making entrepreneurship aspirational from a young age (mainstreaming entrepreneurial mindset & skill curriculum in schools, colleges, ITIs), and
  • creating an environment conducive to entrepreneurship (reducing regulatory burden for MSMEs, amplifying success stories, policy advocacy).

Sambodhi has been engaged as the MEL partner of GAME in the following processes:

  • Designing MEL architecture and identifying KPIs (outputs, outcomes, impact) and developing theories of change for local and national task forces (workstreams)
  • Developing and deploying data collection tools for evaluation of the Accelerator Program (Xcelerator) in Bangalore and Ludhiana (local workstreams)
  • Baseline and endline assessments across three national task forces (workstreams) such as finance, ease of doing Business, entrepreneurial mindsets & skills
  • Systems thinking and developing strategy maps across workstreams for developing an ecosystem map that captures fundamental behavior using force field analysis helps various task forces (workstreams) identify opportunities & red flags. Identifying strategies (causal, persuasive, supportive) to target individuals, groups, and ecosystems, envisage outcomes, and understand the balance between systems across workstreams
  • Process dipsticks for assessing the influence of context – Implementation (dose, fidelity, reach) and mechanisms (response, mediators, pathways) on task forces’ performance
  • Need-based rapid assessments (Case Studies, Network Analysis, Most Significant Change, Appreciative Inquiry)