
Sambodhi > Global Health, Nutrition, and WASH > Impact Evaluation of Norway-India Partnership initiative (NIPI) Phase II

Impact Evaluation of Norway-India Partnership initiative (NIPI) Phase II

NIPI commissioned Sambodhi to provide consulting services for evaluation of Norway India Partnership Initiative Phase II. The purpose of the assignment was:

• To provide evidence about the relative cost effectiveness of different interventions, to help inform the Government of India and the State Governments whether they should be taken to scale or not.
• To generate lessons on the effectiveness of different modalities of support to NRHM.
• To generate meta-lessons on appropriate modalities of support for a large-scale Government primary health programme which does not require outside financial support but rather catalytic technical support and externally provided expertise; this could be an important contribution to debates on the future of Western aid to India (and other countries) which are increasing resource rich but still have major public policy challenges that Western Donors can meaningfully contribute towards.
This was a three-year assignment where-in the consortium provided end-to-end evaluation support to the Phase II of Norway India Partnership Initiative. One of the core tasks under the assignment was to provide consulting support to the NORAD team in India on the extent and contours of the evaluation. The work under the completed task i.e. The evaluation included finalization of the theory of change and designing output and outcome indicators, designing of the Cost-effectiveness Analysis framework, development and finalization of tools for quantitative and qualitative data collection, collection of primary data through survey. This was followed by synthesis of findings and submission of the same in the form of a report.