
Sambodhi > Cross cutting areas > Evaluation of the UN Women supported programme “Gender responsive governance leading to better outcomes for women based on improved access to their rights and entitlements”

Evaluation of the UN Women supported programme “Gender responsive governance leading to better outcomes for women based on improved access to their rights and entitlements”

The UN Women’s program on “Gender responsive governance leading to better outcomes for women based on improved access to their rights and entitlements” envisages to strengthen governance institutions and support their normative commitments in three major ways by strengthening governance institutions based on a thorough review of the current capacity building approaches and interventions currently being undertaken at the national, sub-national and local levels and embedding technical support at the state levels, is expected to inform the most significant link in promoting good governance, pilot testing gender-responsive implementation of key government schemes is expected to create a body of evidence that will inform further upscaling of key government schemes and initiatives, and supporting
government institutions on their ability to deliver on normative frameworks and intergovernmental coordination is essential to mainstreaming gender at national and subnational levels. The study aims at evaluating the impact of the program via baseline, midline and final evaluation over the period of three years. The specific objectives of the study were:
• To evaluate results and impacts, including an assessment of sustainability
• To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of resources used
• To document, provide feedback on, and disseminate lessons learnt

The key activities performed as part of this assignment are listed below:
• Refining the program logic model
• Designing and executing baseline study