
End-line Evaluation of Targeted Public Distribution System (TDPS) Reforms project in Bhubaneswar

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End-line Evaluation of Targeted Public Distribution System (TDPS) Reforms project in Bhubaneswar

The primary objective of the end-line evaluation was to assess the effects of TPDS reforms in improving beneficiary identification, satisfaction, and the reduction of inclusion and exclusion error in the project areas. Additionally, the evaluation also looked at supply chain systems. The evaluation also reported on the performance of the TPDS reforms project in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

In concurrence with the proposed framework and baseline methodology, Sambodhi suggested a non-experimental longitudinal design with repeated measures to assess the intermediate outcomes of the program. A draft tool capturing the critical variables related to performance, consumer satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction, and other indicators was developed and piloted. The final tool was also translated into Odia after the incorporation of pilot findings. 

The tool helped us identify questionnaire gaps and removed ambiguities and other sources of bias and error. The tool was built on a computer-based application using CSPro 6.3 and tested again in the pilot to make it robust. Training with the final team was conducted on survey objectives, tools, and expected data quality for 5-6 days. Data was collected for one month and analyzed through statistical packages like STATA and SPSS. A detailed report covering all the specific areas listed under the study’s objectives was also submitted.