The Agriculture Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience and Extension (ASPIRE) Project is a collaborative engagement between IFAD and Royal Government of Cambodia. The project goal is to reduce poverty and increase resilience of poor and vulnerable smallholders’ farmers in Cambodia. Since 2015, IFAD and Royal Government of Cambodia along with other strategic partners are working towards building efficient extension services and climate-resilient infrastructure extension services. Therefore, focusing upon evidence-based policy development and capacity development for extension services, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Kratie Province seek to build capacity of the Provincial Department of Agriculture (PDA) as well as conduct agricultural productivity assessment 500 HHs and on-farm market demand assessment with 30 medium and high traders and at least 20 of those introduced and built up connection to selected 500 HHs.
Sambodhi designed a consultative and participatory mixed method research approach, Designed sampling strategy, research implementation plan, analytical assessment plan, conducted data collection of 500 HHs, and medium and high traders. Based on the findings design a training module for capacity development of PDA and facilitate trainings of PDAs.