
Sambodhi > Agriculture related Vulnerability Assessment for the CCKN-IA Project Thematic

Agriculture related Vulnerability Assessment for the CCKN-IA Project Thematic

The National Mission under the National Action plan on climate change (NAPCC) sought to transform Indian agriculture into a climate-resilient production system by promoting suitable adaptation and mitigation measures. In line with vision of the National Mission on sustainable agriculture, the Climate Change Knowledge Management Networks in India Agriculture (CCKN-IA) strived towards providing adequate and relevant information related to climate change and agricultural practices by assessing existing climatic and agricultural networks. The study aimed at demonstrating how information relating to agriculture within the context of climate change can be integrated and disseminated through most suitable channels and modes of communications to target group not only specific to policy decision makers but also specifically to the farmers, intermediaries as well as the community or stakeholders. Given the dependency on agriculture and agriculture related livelihoods it was essential to look into the vulnerability context of Indian Agricultural system.

Sambodhi was engaged to conduct a vulnerability assessment for small and marginal farmers owing to climate change. The study followed a computer based (CAPI) household interview with 4500 respondents across the intervention states. The project had a multi-level stakeholder structure. Qualitative interactions with stakeholders from all levels were done through tools like Focussed Group Discussions and In-Depth Interviews. Sambodhi was responsible for the data analysis and submission of the findings. Heat maps were prepared to map the vulnerability status of the villages. Based on the current weather patterns, Sambodhi prepared a simulation model for the study areas. Based on the findings of the study, appropriate interventions were suggested.