
Impact Monitoring of SAPCC Activities in Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh

Sambodhi > Cross cutting areas > Impact Monitoring of SAPCC Activities in Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh

Impact Monitoring of SAPCC Activities in Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh

India’s adaptation planning efforts have become vital to the National Development Agenda (NDA). In addition to the national-level planning documents (NDC and the National Action Plan on Climate Change, NAPCC), the State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCCs) have become the central planning framework for adaptation action at the sub-national level. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, has advised all states to revise their SAPCCs to keep up with the latest challenges. 

Against this background, under the framework of the Indo-German bilateral cooperation project “Climate Adaptation and Finance in Rural India” (CAFRI), Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been supporting two states: Department of Environment, Science and Technology (DEST) in Himachal Pradesh (HP), and the Directorate of Environment (DoE) in Uttar Pradesh (UP). 

Sambodhi developed an implementation mechanism for operationalizing the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for SAPCC. The assignment’s focus was to: 

  • create an M&E strategy for Revised HP SAPCC, 
  • develop an M&E plan for Revised UP SAPCC, and 
  • implement the Developed M&E Strategies in HP & UP. 

Sambodhi carried out the following activities during the assignment:

  • Review and refinement of already existing M&E concept system for the HP SAPCC
  • Devise strategies to utilize existing data sources for reporting/monitoring SAPCC indicators
  • Activity mapping, collation, and dissemination of SAPPCC indicators to harness learnings on both mitigation and adaptation strategies of the states
  • Create an M&E plan including defining the users of the M&E system, data management, measurement approach, implementation progress tracker, outcome assessment for results attribution, stakeholder engagement, and map and plan for the operability of the M&E system. Specifically, create:
  • a framework to assess all SAPCC activities and indicators, linking with relevant DEMP (UP) indicators,
  • strategies to connect various stakeholders in SAPCC implementation, and
  • Results framework with assumptions and approaches linking adaptations results and process indicators to attribute results.
  • Create a Management Information System (MIS) blueprint in both HP and UP and conduct stakeholder analysis for MIS functioning and share the implementation responsibility
  • Prepare MLE and MIS implementation road maps for HP and UP defining objectives, timelines, training, responsibilities, and resources for implementation
  • Provide follow-up support in the use of the MIS system