
Assessment of Impact and Risk Potential in PHL Management

The Foundation’s aimed to do a robust assessment of impact and risk potential of such “high-potential” initiatives. The assessment has envisioned as a concurrent process of data acquisition, assimilation and synthesis cantered around enriching the prototypes by independent yet informed insights. The specific objectives of the study were:
1. To develop a perspective on expected key impact areas (overarching impact areas include overall PHL reduction and improvements in SHF livelihoods) to inform the prototyping process.
2. To create a framework for identifying, weighing and prioritizing economic, social and environmental risks related to PHL-related interventions broadly as well as risks specific to particular prototypes.
3. To surface gaps and uncertainties present in the impact and risk analyses and develop an approach for further testing and exploration.
4. To provide ongoing advisory support to the prototyping process, with an emphasis on impact potential and risk.
Sambodhi developed a robust risk and impact assessment framework while building in concurrent feed-in and feedback loops to inform the prototypes and the broader programme and learnings for uptake, course correction and refinement. The framework also captured key measurable output, outcome, impact and corresponding risk indicators and data points (including on social, economic, environmental, political, locational and other prototype specific
risks). The activity culminated in the finalization of the impact and risk assessment framework including implications for priorities as per specific prototypes. Secondary review of evaluations and risk analysis for programs in similar fields and settings were undertaken to gain an appreciation of the risks and impacts of such initiatives.