Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) – Consulting Services for the Independent Verification Agent (IVA)
The Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) commissioned the state-owned agricultural promotion service Rythu Sadhikara Samsthal (RySS) to implement a nationwide program which included capacity building of the advisory staff, community resource persons and self-help groups as well as monitoring, verification, and accompanying research. The expected outcomes are increased soil health and climate resilience, stabilized/ increased yields for participating farmers’ crops, and enhanced agricultural income by applying cost and freight practices.
The three major assessments of the study conducted by Sambodhi are:
- annual independent verification of achievement of DLI #1, DLI #2, and DLI #3 was carried out as reported by RySS for each disbursement claim under the program,
- ensuring meaningful baseline survey results (including adjustments/ revisions as considered appropriate) and its reviews, and
- conducting surveys to assess ecological and microeconomic improvement and biocide residues.
Sambodhi provided the following activities within this assignment:
- Regular monitoring of key achievements of the “overall” APCNF program/ scheme to put the “KfW part” into perspective
- Submission of a report containing detailed methodology for the verification mission
- Preparation and finalization of tools and CAPI
- Preparation of training manuals and QA protocols
- Training and recruitment of the team for the verification mission
- Data collection for verification study
- Soil sample collection for technical investigation, soil testing
- Survey for the assessment of ecological and microeconomic development
- Data collection to ensure meaningful results – baseline validation, midline, and final surveys
- Data analysis and submission of verification report
- Creation of baseline on soil and income-related indicators
- Submission of soil testing result
- Result dissemination workshop.