

A Learning System for Multiple Policy Advocacy and Communication (PAC) Investments

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A Learning System for Multiple Policy Advocacy and Communication (PAC) Investments

The Foundation works with key stakeholders to drive and deliver change through its five new investments. The broad goal of the learning system is to arrive at a strategy for the Foundation’s Policy Advocacy and Communications (PAC) investments.

Specific objectives included:

  • exploring pathways of PAC investments towards achieving planned goals,
  • documenting and codifying contributions of PAC in driving policy outcomes,
  • determining strategies that have worked and exploring synchronizations among different PAC strategies,
  • exploring the role of relationships in pathways, and
  • facilitating cross-partner learning on processes and engagement strategies for achieving policy goals.

Sambodhi collaborated with the Foundation and investment partners to develop a shared understanding of investments and their expected outcomes and set the learning system’s outline. A development evaluation was undertaken (concurrent process tracking and quick learning loops) for learning across grants, while summative learning was utilized to shed light on how different PAC strategies influenced policies. Sambodhi developed a well-defined learning mechanism to learn about investments and generate a broad range of learning-knowledge development, policy, organizational, process, and impact learning.