Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Development Professionals

MEL4DP is a five-month long extensive certificate course designed to enhance MEL knowledge, skills, and perspectives of early and mid-career development professionals located in or working for the global south. This course will be extremely beneficial for professionals seeking to build skills in evidence-based policymaking and program development, set up MEL systems within organizations, or mark a career transition to monitoring and evaluation.

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New batch starting on March 22, 2025
Weekend Batch, 11.00 am – 2.00 pm IST
Reach out to us at: +91 9717300804

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As the eight-year countdown to achieving the 2030 SDGs begins, there has been a strong impetus toward improving developmental outcomes and strengthening Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) systems at organizational and national levels. Despite the depth of MEL expertise and extent of practice within the Global South, there have been very few practitioner-driven, knowledge exchange spaces which can facilitate perspective building and enhance the knowledge and skills of early and mid-career development professionals located in the global south. With this in mind, Sambodhi is offering an online certificate course: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Development Professionals (MEL4DP).

Course seeks to:
  • Provide conceptual clarity on MEL through a practitioner’s lens.
  • Equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills to plan, conduct, and manage effective M&E of programs to facilitate continuous learning and program improvement.
  • Contextualize the application of existing MEL frameworks and approaches by drawing from case studies and examples from the global south.
  • Build critical perspectives on various aspects of MEL practice and theory,
  • Foster cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary dialogues by using examples from different sectors and theories that have emerged from different disciplines.
  • Create a space for peer-learning, collective thinking, and networking for early-career development professionals.
Course highlights: 
  • Practitioners’ lens: developed and facilitated by MEL practitioners & experts, for practitioners.
  • Multi-sectoral perspective: uses case studies & real-world examples from different sectors
  • Real-world examples: application-based interactive learning through classroom activities
  • Context specific: builds critical perspective for the global south
  • Merit-cum-means scholarship: scholarships and discounts offer available
  • Mixed method approach: uses hands on tools and approaches from quantitative and qualitative perspective.
  • Weekend learning for working professionals: tailored for early and mid career professionals with weekend classes
Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Differentiate between Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, and gain a nuanced understanding of MEL vocabulary, contextualize MEL in Program Cycles, and define pathways of change using Theory of Change approaches,
  • Gain an understanding of different monitoring typologies, use publicly available datasets for monitoring, and construct interactive monitoring dashboards,
  • Define and utilize different evaluation approaches, frameworks, and designs and Keep pace with contemporary trends in evaluations,
  • Practically implement an evaluation by developing an understanding of Evaluation Cycles, Implementation, Designs, Methods, and Tools, and 
  • Harvest learnings from evaluations, and utilize them for continuous program improvement.

Modular learning outcomes:

Module 1: Introduction to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning 1 Week
Module 2: Overview of MEL Frameworks 1 Week
Module 3: Public Datasets 1 Week
Module 4: Contexts of Monitoring and Evaluation 1 Week
Module 5: Evaluation Approaches and Frameworks 1 Week
Module 6: Quantitative Evaluation Design 2 Weeks
Module 7: Doing Evaluation: Data Collection, Methods, Sampling, and Analytics and Data Collection Ethics 4 Weeks
Module 8: Learning and Utilization of Evaluation 2 Weeks

Course Fee

800 USD

Partial scholarships will be available to some candidates

Discounts on course fee in case of institutional sponsorships & participants from grassroot organizations

New batch starting on March 22, 2025

Weekend Batch, 10.00 am – 1.00 pm IST

Total Seats: 50

Enquiry Now

Application Form for MEL4DP


Certificate Course:

Upon completion of course modules and capstone, students will be awarded a course completion certificate

Course Facilitators
Rajib Nandi

Rajib Nandi

Vice President - Knowledge Management & Capacity Development

Expertise: gender transformative evaluations, work and labour.

Rajib, the founder and co-leader of the Evaluation Community of India (ECOI), has over 24 years of experience implementing impact evaluations.

Tathagata Dasgupta

Tathagata Dasgupta

Senior Consultant – Sambodhi Capacity Learning Institute

Expertise: Rural Development, Health, Nutrition, Water and Sanitation

Tathagata, a Senior Consultant at Sambodhi Capacity and Learning Institute, has 28 years of expertise in development research and monitoring, leading over 200 large-scale projects across health, nutrition, and rural development. He was also a visiting Faculty in North Point University (India Counterpart)

Vikas Choudhry

Vikas Choudhry

Senior Vice President – Public Health Practice, Sambodhi

Expertise: Epidemiology, health systems, sexual and reproductive health of youth

Vikas is a social epidemiologist with over 10 years of expertise in strengthening health systems and youth-focused reproductive health, promoting sexual and reproductive health, and the rights of young people.

Shikha Rana

Shikha Rana

Assistant Vice President – Research, Sambodhi

Expertise: Maternal health, social norms, women’s empowerment, nutrition, WASH, social impact studies, and coalition building.

Shikha is a social impact researcher with over eight years of expertise in maternal health, social norms, women’s empowerment, nutrition, and WASH. She excels in data-driven decision-making and coalition building in global development

Pooja Pandey

Pooja Pandey

Manager – Capacity Building, Sambodhi

Expertise: Education, Child rights, inclusion, policy engagement, capacity building, and advocacy.

Pooja is a researcher cum practitioner with six years of experience in education, child rights and governance. Her expertise includes mixed-methods research, policy engagement, capacity building, and advocacy on education policy issues

Anuradha Katyal

Anuradha Katyal

Deputy Vice President – Public Health Practices, Sambodhi

Expertise: Health systems, impact evaluation, primary care, urban health, health service delivery, and knowledge management.

Anuradha is a public health professional and quantitative researcher with over 14 years’ expertise in health systems research, health financing, impact evaluation, primary care, and urban health. She holds advanced degrees in healthcare management and data science and is passionate about leveraging national surveys for policy impact.

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