Capacity-building devOps-certification-online-training-course

DevOps Certification Online Training Course

Sambodhi Research and Communications anticipates this dynamic opportunity, which is why it brings to you DevOps Certification Training Course, an instructor-led, live, virtual training that will help you acquire DevOps training online, and master various aspects expected from the role.

In this DevOps foundation certification course, you will master various aspects of software development, operations, continuous integration, continuous delivery, automated build, testing and deployment. Furthermore, you will gain insights into automation of configuration management, inter-team collaboration and IT service agility using DevOps tools such as Git, Puppet, Jenkins, SVN, Maven, Docker, Ansible, Nagios, and more.

109 ratings

New batch starting on April 22, 2023
Weekend Batch, 10.00 am – 1.30 pm IST
Reach out to us at: +91 93112 91788


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Course Details


As the eight-year countdown to achieving the 2030 SDGs begins, there has been a strong impetus toward improving developmental outcomes and strengthening Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) systems at organizational and national levels. Despite the depth of MEL expertise and extent of practice within the Global South, there have been very few practitioner-driven, knowledge exchange spaces which can facilitate perspective building and enhance the knowledge and skills of early and mid-career development professionals located in the global south. With this in mind, Sambodhi is offering an online certificate course: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Development Professionals (MEL4DP).

Key Highlights:
  • Provide conceptual clarity on MEL through a practitioner’s lens.
  • Equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills to plan, conduct, and manage effective M&E of programs to facilitate continuous learning and program improvement.
  • Contextualize the application of existing MEL frameworks and approaches by drawing from case studies and examples from the global south.
  • Build critical perspectives on various aspects of MEL practice and theory,
  • Foster cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary dialogues by using examples from different sectors and theories that have emerged from different disciplines.
  • Create a space for peer-learning, collective thinking, and networking for early-career development professionals.
What will you learn from this course?
  • Practitioners’ lens: developed and facilitated by MEL practitioners & experts, for practitioners.
  • Multi-sectoral perspective: uses case studies & real-world examples from different sectors
  • Real-world examples: application-based interactive learning through classroom activities
  • Context specific: builds critical perspective for the global south
  • Merit-cum-means scholarship: scholarships and discounts offer available
  • Mixed method approach: uses hands on tools and approaches from quantitative and qualitative perspective.
  • Weekend learning for working professionals: tailored for early career professionals with weekend classes
Who should enroll in this course?
  • Differentiate between Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, and gain a nuanced understanding of MEL vocabulary, contextualize MEL in Program Cycles, and define pathways of change using Theory of Change approaches,
  • Gain an understanding of different monitoring typologies, use publicly available datasets for monitoring, and construct interactive monitoring dashboards,
  • Define and utilize different evaluation approaches, frameworks, and designs and Keep pace with contemporary trends in evaluations,
  • Practically implement an evaluation by developing an understanding of Evaluation Cycles, Implementation, Designs, Methods, and Tools, and 
  • Harvest learnings from evaluations, and utilize them for continuous program improvement.
Phase 1 1 Week
Orientation to the industry landscape 3 Weeks
Building blocks for the course 1 Week
Data analytics and visualization using MS Excel and Tableau 1 Week
Introduction to Cloud Computing, SQL for Data Science 1 Week
Phase 2 3 Weeks
Business Problem Solving: Predictive Modeling using Python. 2 Weeks
Machine Learning using Python (Supervised and Forecasting Methods) 4 Weeks
Unsupervised learning using Python and MLOs (Clustering, PCA, and Recommendation System) 3 Weeks
Phase 3    1 Week
Text Mining and NLP using Python. 1 week
Value Proposition of Analytics in distinct functions (Marketing, Risk Management, and Operations) 3 Weeks
AI & Deep Learning using Python- Computer Vision, Text Mining: Elective 2 Weeks
Phase 4 3 Weeks
Industry Capstone Project Work- Dissertation- Final VIVA 4 Weeks
Problem-solving (frameworks, approaches) 2 Weeks
Placement Preparation and Mock Interviews 3 Weeks

Course Fee

 INR 65000 + GST

New batch starting on April 22, 2023

Weekend Batch, 10.00 am – 1.30 pm IST

Total Seats: 50

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Note: Please specify the most recently held designation
Note: Please specify the most recently held designation


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Structure yourn learning and get a certificate to prove it.

Certificate Course:

Upon completion of course modules and capstone, students will be awarded a course completion certificate

Course Facilitators
Rajib Nandi

Rajib Nandi

Vice President - Knowledge Management & Capacity Development

Expertise: gender transformative evaluations, work and labour.

Rajib, the founder and co-leader of the Evaluation Community of India (ECOI), has over 24 years of experience implementing impact evaluations.

Akashi Kaul

Akashi Kaul

Assistant Vice President -

Expertise: livelihoods and education; research methods

Akashi has served on the board of Washington Evaluators and
has extensive experience designing evaluation methodologies.

Abhishek Sharma

Abhishek Sharma

Assistant Vice President -

Expertise: WASH and livelihood, quasi-experimental & RCT designs

Abhishek has worked at the forefront of research and evaluations to enable evidence-based decisions over the course of his nine-year career.

Course Convenor
Mahima Taneja

Mahima Taneja

Senior Manager - Research

Expertise: feminist evaluation, capacity building, WASH, public health, urban development

Mahima has 8+ years of experience in conducting qualitative research, mixed-methods evaluations, exploratory and formative studies across multiple domains.

Training Features

Classroom Discussion

Case Study


Course Project




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